Purchase and Sale - Quality
The feed components are purchased at renowned producers of raw materials for human nutrition. In executing these activities we are especially interested in acquiring declassified food ingredients, which have to content to strict quality standards (GMP / HACCP). Examples of such products are:
- residual products
- start-stop products
- raw materials in damaged packaging
- products in packages with erroneous or passed expiration dates
- products with anomalies in particle size
- products with anomalies in functionality
The sale of raw materials occurs directly to the animal feed industry, especially producers of compound feed, pet food and aqua feed.
Our company is GMP⁺ certified (GMP-reg.no. 13298) and QS-certified (QS-ID: 4031735616316).
The external quality audits are executed by KIWA.
Besides quality control of our raw materials, we also have an environmental care system, aimed at the use of durable packaging materials and energy. Moreover, we continually strive to improve our working place standards and our efficiency.